Reval 2023 Proposed Valuation level heat maps

Last updated at 15:27 on 30/09/2022

You can find visual heat maps for Reval 2023 counties on our Valuation Map.

Using this feature, the proposed valuation levels for retail properties (Zone A levels), ground floor offices, industrial (warehouses) and industrial (workshops) in particular locations can be seen at a glance.

To access the heat map, click on the relevant category of property in the box on the right hand side, highlighted in the red box below.


Once you select the property category, a grid of the proposed levels applied will appear on the left hand side, as seen below:


When you zoom in on the area you want to view, the proposed levels will then appear as seen in the image below, and you can see what proposed valuation levels were applied for that area.


To view the existing rateable value (Pre Reval) on a property you can click on “All Valuation Properties” in the map layers box on the right hand side, highlighted in red box below. This will turn off the heat map feature. Individual properties can be viewed by clicking on the dot relating to that property.


Please note that these are the existing values for properties and do not relate to the proposed valuation levels on the heat map. Once the Valuation Lists for Reval 2023 counties are published in September 2023, you will be able to see the new valuations.
